Bible Studies
The most important thing that a Christian can do is read and study God's Word. Each of these Bible Studies will guide through the Living Word of God and into a deeper understanding of who God is and how much He loves His children.
This study highlights the threads that connect the Old and New Testaments revealing Jesus as, not only the fulfillment of prophecy, but also as the central message in the Old Testament. From the promise of the Seed in Genesis and the laws and sacrifices in Leviticus, to the Messianic prophecies of the prophets, each book in the Old Testament gives us a picture of our Savior and what He came to accomplish.
Discover God's wisdom in this topical Bible study entitled "Biblical Answers to Powerful Questions." Take this journey through the Word of God as you explore some of life's most challenging questions. This Bible study will unearth the depths of Biblical truth and strengthen your faith as you go directly to the Word of God to answer some of Christianity's and life's most powerful questions.

Join us on this verse-by-verse journey through the Book of Romans where we see the righteousness of God revealed through Paul's words to the Church in Rome. Romans contains the most clear, concise and organized presentation of Christian doctrine within the Word of God. Paul presents God's righteousness in this book in a way that is meant to draw us near to the Lord.
Through the study of Romans, we are able to see that we are prone to a life of sin, and that we cannot save ourselves. Paul highlights what Jesus accomplished on the cross and how the Holy Spirit guides us every day.

Behold the Grace of God: A Study of the Book of Ephesians - Workbook
Join us on this verse-by-verse journey through the Book of Ephesians, where we see the grace of God revealed through Paul's words to the Church in Ephesus. Ephesians is considered one of Paul’s most formal letters. This letter covers topics that are at the very heart of what it means to be a Christian as it relates to both faith and practice.
Through the study of Ephesians, we learn that it is by God's grace that we are saved through faith in Jesus Christ and once we are saved, we are expected to walk a new way as the new creations we become.
As we navigate through the Book of Ephesians, we learn more about our Christian walk. Paul not only provides instruction to believers, but also encouragement. The Book of Ephesians is the perfect “how-to” book on living a Christian life, both individually and as the Body of Christ. In Ephesians, Paul also guides us through how to be victorious in spiritual warfare.