Do you feel stuck where you are? Maybe you are in a comfort zone and are having trouble making a move? Do you feel like God has more in store for you, but you're not sure what it is? You are praying for answers but unsure if the time is right to take the next step.
Trust me, I have been there and I know how that feels.
Maybe God is moving you towards making a change...

I once read that change is good for you and I believe that is true, but we all know that change can be hard. Our brains are wired to do the same things over and over again.
Science Daily states that about 40% of people’s daily activities are performed each day in almost the same situations. Read article here.
I have no personal experience doing scientific research on the effects of change, but I do know a little something about it on a personal level. I have had several, what I would consider, major changes in my life. Some by choice, some not by choice; but I lived through them all and am still here to talk about them.
For this post, I want to share a major change that I made 7 years ago and how that change affected my life.
What it Takes to Make a Change
As scary as change seems sometimes, in my opinion, all it takes is the desire for something different, a step of faith in a new direction, a positive outlook, and for me a lot of prayers for guidance.
Seriously, one day I woke up and realized that God was leading me to make a change… so I started the process.

The first thing I did was take inventory of my life. In October 2011, I was a single mother, I was alone without a partner, I needed to find a job, I felt like I was missing something, and frankly I was tired of my surroundings.
I prayed for guidance and for God to show me what I needed to do most importantly. What I realized was that of course my boys were most important and that I needed a good job to support them. So, I called a few recruiters and with that, my journey of change began and there was no looking back.
I created the Life Inventory Worksheets to use if you are struggling with making a change. This is a great resource to help you on your journey. If you would like a copy of the Life Inventory Worksheets complete the box below and I will send them to your inbox.
My Story of Change
On January 3, 2012, my car was packed, my boys and my father were in tow and I headed toward my new life….in Wisconsin. I accepted a job at a small town hospital and could not wait to get there. My father came with us to help us get settled, which was a blessing.
My new life was a 1,483 miles from the home that I had known for 31 years. Yes, I was scared, but I have to say more-so excited at what God had in store for our future. My eyes were wide open at all of the possibilities.
Once we settled into our new place in Wisconsin, I truly enjoyed every minute of it. My boys and I met some great people. We did so many new things…. sledding, camping, and tubing. My boys saw snow for the first time and I shoveled snow for the first time. I actually had never even driven in snow until then. Every new experience was awesome and I had no regrets.

For the first time in a long time, I felt content. It was a great feeling and I didn’t think I needed anything else. I was enjoying my new life with my boys and was thankful to the Lord for always knowing what I needed most. At the time, I couldn't possibly believe that God would do anything more for me because He had exceeded my expectations. Funny how our Heavenly Father does that!
God Had a Surprise For Me
On August 18, 2012 I learned the main reason why I had moved. I just thought that this move was to start over and find happiness again... and it was, but God had another surprise for me.
Before I moved to Wisconsin, I had prayed for the right man to come into my life, but once I moved, that was not something I asked for. I figured that when the time was right it would happen.
Then, on that day in August, I met my future husband. I didn’t know it then, but I certainly know it now... had I not made that huge change and stepped out in faith, I would not have the life I have now with the man I share it with. I am reminded of God's goodness every time I look at my now husband:
"Eye has not seen, nor ear heard,
Nor have entered into the heart of man
The things which God has prepared for those
who love Him." 1 Corinthians 2:9
The Result of My Change
Seven years later I can honestly say that God picked me up and placed me in Wisconsin so that the rest of my life would be exactly how it should be. I am now married to Mike, living in Georgia. (I didn’t last too long in Wisconsin because, well...TOO MUCH SNOW!). We own a home, our boys are happy and have lots of friends. We go to an amazing church.
For the first time in my life I feel as if I am "home." I know now that Wisconsin was a pit stop to pick up my future husband. There is no feeling in the world like knowing you are exactly where you are supposed to be. I thank God every day for the strength and courage He gave me to make that huge change 7 years ago.

I am sharing my story here as a testimony to the goodness of God. He knows what is best for us. He knows what we need more than we do ourselves and when we follow His movement in our lives, He often surprises us with even more than we could have expected.
Although making changes in life can be hard and even scary, sometimes it is exactly what we need in order for God to move in our lives. It is exactly what I needed then and I have no regrets in doing what I did.
So if you find yourself in a similar situation that I was in not so long ago, say a prayer for guidance, step out in faith and change your life!
I created a Life Inventory Worksheet to use if you are struggling with making a change. It is a great resource to help you on the journey. If you would like a Life Inventory Worksheet complete the box below and I will send one to your inbox.
Where do I apply for permission to use your Life Inventory sheets in a program at our local State Women’s prison and our drug and alcohol rehab program? Thank you. I think this would be a real growth tool for the ladies!
Linda Wood