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Ideas to Start Your Week on a Positive Note

Writer: Amy BlossomAmy Blossom

Like me, I’m sure you've had those times when you get out of bed on Monday morning thinking “this is going to be a good week, I can just feel it!” But by 10:00 am you just want to crawl back to bed and sleep until next Monday. It happens to all of us.

All good intentions aside, some things that happen to ruin our week on the very first day are just out of our control. But it’s not always the negative things that happen that cause the week to go bad, I think that sometimes it’s simply how we respond to these things that can cause our week to go downhill fast.


Some Ways to Start Your Week Out Right

Starting each week out on the right foot is important. For me, it has always been about following a routine, among other things. But, I know for sure that it's always important to keep a positive mindset as well.

This is my list of how I start my week on a positive note:

1. Pray when you wake up

I actually start each day with prayer, but my Monday morning prayer is a little different. Each day I wake up at least 15 minutes or more before I have to start my routine. This is time that I devote to the prayer that starts each day.

My Monday morning prayer is to ask God to guide my path for the week, to bless the work that I am going to do, and to give me the strength to get through the trials and difficulties that I may face. I also ask for assistance in putting on the full armor of God and to help me resist temptation that may come my way.

This prayer is an important one because it sets the tone for my week and also frames my mindset.

2. Plan ahead

Having a good plan for the week is a must for me. When I wake up Monday morning knowing exactly what I want to do and what I have to get done for the week overall, and for each day, I know that I am several steps ahead before the week even starts.

I plan my week for both personal and business and go from there.

I have so much on my plate right now that I have no choice but to plan. I am juggling 3 businesses, two kids, a house with chores, and so much more. If I don’t have a plan for each week, I tend to get nothing done.

3. Organize the day/night before

This is something that I have done for a long time. I actually sit down on Sunday after dinner and plan my week ahead. I write a list of things that I want to accomplish and things that I have to get done or that I have scheduled.

This gives me an overview of what to expect. This is where I use my bullet journal to the fullest extent.

When my boys were small, this was the time I used to get their things together for the upcoming week, pack their lunches every night and made sure that they had everything they needed for the next day. It made the mornings so much more smooth.

4. Expect the unexpected

This may be hard to do but let me explain…

When I used to commute to work, I always gave myself extra time to get to there. With 50 plus miles from my house to work, I knew that anything could go wrong or cause a delay, so I always tried to leave before rush hour started.

Throughout the week and especially before the week starts, keep your thoughts positive…no matter what. If you are prepared to take the next step no matter what happens in the meantime, it is easier to deal with what could go wrong. I really think doing this takes practice and is a mind-set. Learning to change your thought pattern is the first step.


We Can Control Our Reactions

It never fails, you’re out of bed early, you’re humming your favorite song, you’re thinking about everything that you are going to accomplish this week, and something happens that interrupts your positive mood.

Unfortunately, there isn’t always a lot we can do to stop some of these negative things from happening, but there are definitely ways to react positively.

  • Remember that God is in Control

I always try to remember that no matter what happens, God is in control and these thoughts always make things better for me.

In Isaiah 41:10 God says:

“Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”

These words in Isaiah make me smile through the things that work against me. I keep scripture cards handy for times when I need encouragement, and this works well for me.

  • Pray

I cannot stress prayer enough. Pray through the things that you are faced with. Ask God to show you why they are happening and for the strength to overcome them. As it has been said..."let go and let God."

  • Take a deep cleansing breath

This sounds crazy, but it works for me. It truly does help to take in a fresh deep breath and then release the negativity that has built up inside you. Breath in...breath out. It works.

  • Walk away

Sometimes you just have to walk away for a minute. Remove yourself from the situation, talk a walk outside and return when you feel better.

  • Think good thoughts, immediately

Whatever is upsetting you or affecting you negatively, it helps to immediately look at the positive side of it. If you think about it enough, you can find at least one positive thing that outweighs the negative circumstance. I promise, the positive is there.

  • Turn on your favorite music

This always helps me. A little bit of good music goes a long way. Sing out loud. Focus on the music and after the first song, you typically forget about the thing that had you so upset. Plus you can face it with a better attitude.

  • Talk it out

If you have to vent... vent. But don’t dwell on it for too long. Get the negative feelings off your chest and move on. But make sure that you do move on. Don’t let bad feelings fester, let them out and then let them go.

  • Journal your feelings

Journaling always helps me. It gives me a chance to write down exactly what happened, and all of my feelings related to what happened. I can reread my words later and use the circumstances as learning experiences.

When I face trials each week that turn my good days into not-so-good days, I challenge myself to do better than I did the week before.

I will admit that I am not always successful, but I do always pick myself up and try to do better. In times that are challenging, I find myself with a desire to pray more and spend more time in God’s word for strength and guidance.

My prayer for you is that you remember some of this information and use it to have your best weeks ever. Hope it helps!




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