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Prayer for the New Year - 2025

Writer's picture: Amy BlossomAmy Blossom

I think it's safe to say that everyone wants to start each new year off on the right foot. That being said, today I want to give you a prayer for the New Year that glorifies God, gives Him the thanks He is so deserving of and acknowledges His sovereignty over your life.

Prayer for the New Year

Many years ago I was given a prayer such as this one that I am sharing today. To this day, I am not sure where my friend found it, but as time has gone by, I have added to it and revised it each year as the circumstances of my life changed. I pray that this prayer will bless you as it has blessed me.


Prayer for the New Year - 2025

Dear Heavenly Father,

I come before You in the Mighty Name of Jesus' Christ.

Lord, You are so amazing and wonderful, loving and kind! I love You, Father, and I thank You for walking with me through 2024. Thank You for taking care of me, especially through the rough times. Thank You for loving me and keeping me safe and thank You for working all things out for good. Even if I haven’t seen the positive outcomes and turnarounds reach their completeness thus far, I know that You are always working on my behalf behind the scenes.

In 2024 You blessed me so much in so many ways. And Father, I am thankful for all Your blessings - I really am. I never, ever want to negate Your blessings at all. I don't want to dishonor You or Your blessings on my life by failing to thank You for them. So Father God, I thank You right now for everything that You did for me this year.


Although I have so much to be thankful for this past year, I also faced some storms that took their toll on me. Father, I am thankful that You walked with me through each and every setback. I know that You have a plan and a purpose for each thing that I have gone through. (LIST THE THINGS THAT YOU STRUGGLED WITH, IF ANY, AND ASK GOD TO CONTINUE TO HELP YOU THROUGH THEM AND TO FINALIZE THEM IN 2025).

Father, I ask right now in Jesus' name that You would work everything out for my good and the good of Your plans for my life – and that You would make 2025 a/an (AMAZING, BETTER, FULFILLING – WHATEVER WORDS YOU WANT TO USE) year.

  • For all the darts and fiery arrows that the enemy sent to negatively affect me and my family, let 2025 be doubly blessed.

  • For all the obstacles and defeats I suffered in 2025, Father, repay me seven times and work them all out for Your glory.

  • Please bless all of my relationships in 2025.

Father, I ask that You would order my steps and light my way in 2025:

  • Walk with me and teach me the way I should go with Your eyes upon me.

  • Please grant me heavenly wisdom to use in every situation, every circumstance, and every decision I face.

  • Help me to be a good steward of all the many blessings you bestow upon me.

  • Prosper me and bring me out of the valley of shadows into a bright and wide place.

  • Please bless the work of my hands, Father.

  • Help me develop good and holy habits in 2025.

  • Help me to walk purposefully in 2025; to make the most of the time You give me and to buy up every opportunity You present me with.

Father God, remind me of what makes me happy in 2025. Help me to find the fullness of joy in Your presence always and bring me back to things that bring me joy – (WHAT BRINGS YOU JOY OR MAKES YOU JOYFUL? LIST THESE THINGS HERE)

Father I pray that You help me and my family to draw closer to You and to one another in 2025, closer than we have ever been. I pray for salvation for my family members who do not know Jesus - let 2025 be the year of their salvation!

Father, I need You. My family needs You. Everything in our lives depends on You. We can't even keep ourselves alive – every breath we take is in Your hands. As my family and I enter 2025, I ask that You would bless us indeed:

  • Enlarge our territories.

  • Keep Your hand upon us.

  • Keep us from evil, that we would not cause pain.

  • Open doors for us that no man can open and shut doors for us that no man could shut.

  • Bring us the double portion; exceedingly abundantly above all we could dare to ask, hope, or think.

  • Pour out Your Spirit upon us and teach us to seek You first in all things. When we do, all these things will be added to us.

  • Make us hungry and thirsty for You, Almighty God.

  • Make us people of Your Word; people of prayer, people of faith, always seeking You aggressively first in all we do.

  • Let us walk holy and pure and keep us from sinning against You.

  • Help us to stir up our most holy faith by always praying in the Spirit.

  • Help us to put on the full Armor of God every single day to protect us from the enemy – the helmet of salvation, the breastplate of righteousness, the belt of truth, the shoes of the preparation of the Gospel of peace, the shield of faith, and the sword of the Spirit, and to pray always in the Spirit.

Father, I ask You also for financial abundance and wisdom in 2025. I ask that You help me and my family to get on track with Your prosperous plan for our lives.

  • Bless our labor and work.

  • Prosper our businesses.

  • Teach us to budget, to save, to give, to spend only what You want us to spend, and to invest as You lead us to do so.

  • When we call upon You, Father, reveal to us things that we do not know.

  • Lead us and guide us with wisdom that comes only from Your throne.

  • Fill us with a spirit of discernment that gives us the ability to separate lies from the truth.

  • Help us to implant Your Word upon our hearts so that we may not sin against you.


Finally, Father, I ask You to open RIVERS in the wilderness and in the desert for me and my family this year. Water us while we're here and bring us out of this desert and wilderness in 2025, I pray, in Jesus' name. Open up...

  • Rivers of provision.

  • Rivers of anointing.

  • Rivers of joy and enthusiasm.

  • Rivers of relationships and divine connections.

  • Rivers of opportunities.

  • Rivers of focus, that we would no longer be distracted or sidelined by things that don't matter.

  • Rivers of health and strength.


Father, please help me and my family not to remember the former things, nor to consider the things of old, but to press on into the new year. Your Word says in Isaiah 43:18-19 that “Behold, I do a new thing; now it springs forth; shall you not know it?” I thank You for the new thing You are doing and help us to know it and to see it and acknowledge it at all times.

Create in us a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within us. Help us to cling to You every moment of every day, and we'll give You all the praise.

Lord, my prayer is to honor and glorify You in all I do with my whole life and seek first Your Kingdom, to make Jesus the priority of my life and to walk according to Your Word every single day.

Thank You Father for hearing my prayer for 2025 and for answering it according to Your will. I love you and praise You and give You all the glory.

In the mighty Name of Jesus, I pray. Amen.


If you'd like a PDF copy of the Prayer for the New Year - 2025, fill out the form below and it will be delivered to your inbox as a download file.

This download includes space for you to customize the prayer to your life.


Here's to a wonderful, blessed and prosperous New Year in our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.



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