Do you feel fearful or anxious about the things you see happening in the world? Maybe your life seems upside down and you're having a hard time understanding why.
When you know God as El-Elyon, The Most High God, there is no need to fear or worry because HE IS IN CONTROL....

With everything going on in the world around us, it's no wonder that people are fearful, anxious, and worried about the future. There are many uncertainties about where we are headed and it's easy to forget who is in control.
When it seems like things are too hard to take, remember, The Most High God is in control and His Name is El-Elyon.
In this video I discuss El-Elyon, one of the Names of God that's associated with God's power and sovereignty. When you get to know God as El-Elyon, you begin to feel a peace within your heart that you may never have experienced before... a peace that comes from the certainty that God's got this and He will never let us down.
Click on the video below to watch: This is Real Life: A Discussion: El Elyon The Most High God is in Control
In these crazy times, we need a Savior, Jesus Christ, to carry us through. He is with us everywhere we, if you'd like more information on living a Christian life, click HERE to visit my YouTube Channel and view my video "What Is Christianity?"
If this video "El-Elyon - The Most High God is in Control" has blessed you, please forward it on to someone else who needs to hear this message today!
If you would like more information or have a prayer request, please click HERE to contact me.
#ThisIsRealLife #Peace #Rest #NoFear #TheMostHighGod #ElElyon #GodWins #JesusLovesYou #JesusSaves #ChristianLife #GodIsInControl #BibleStudy #ChristianBlog