Do you feel uncomfortable in the world today? Do you look around and wonder why you feel as if you just don't fit in?
More and more Christians are feeling out of place in the world and there is a reason for this....this world is not our home.

The world is going crazy right before our eyes and it's no wonder we feel uncomfortable with the things we see and hear.
All around us are lies, deceit, perversion, and fear.
As we are faced with these tactics of the enemy, it is important to remember that we are strangers in this foreign land (1 Peter 2:11) and that our home is in heaven (Ephesians 2:6).
In this video I discuss the reasons why Christians feel the way we do in the world today and how to overcome these feelings. I also discuss the importance of taking action for the Lord and for the kingdom that is our real home.
If you are not a Christian and feel discouraged or fearful about the world, I urge you to watch this video as well.
Click on the video below to watch: This is Real Life: A Discussion: This World is Not Our Home:
For more information about Heaven read my blog post: "Eternity Is A Breath Away: Where will You Spend It?"
In these crazy times, we need a Savior, Jesus Christ, to carry us through. He is with us everywhere we, if you'd like more information on living a Christian life, click HERE to visit my YouTube Channel and view my video "What Is Christianity?"
If this video "This World Is Not Our Home" has blessed you, please forward it on to someone else who needs to hear this message today!
If you would like more information or have a prayer request, please click HERE to contact me.
#NOTW #BibleVerses #GodWins #JesusLovesYou #JesusSaves #ChristianLife #GodIsInControl #BibleStudy #ChristianBlog #HeavenBound #Eternity
I'm so thankful this world is not our home! Bless you sister, keep doing what you're doing!